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Wednesday 8 October 2014

From Your Car Insurance Company to You - 5 Celebrations They'd Rather You Lived Without

It's a poorly kept secret that, despite the cards and well wishes they send out, you enjoy holidays, birthdays and vacations considerably more than your car insurance does. Want to guess why? Because people do some amazingly stupid things under the guise of celebration-most of which lead to piles of car insurance claims, miles of red tape and tons of overtime for your friendly neighborhood insurance agent. Since they don't like working 60-70 hours a week any more than you do, your car insurance agent(s) have a couple of suggestions for you when it comes to celebrating the big moments in your life. First and foremost, don't drink and drive. Guardian angels can only do so much for you when you insist on pushing your luck, which means you need to find a way to avoid that fine line between fun and stupidity. If you're going to be drinking, choose a DD (designated driver)-even if you're just driving across the parking lot. Next, playing chicken? It doesn't matter how much fun "Footloose" made it look, playing chicken is an idea whose time has come and gone-way gone. So far gone you can't even see it in the distance! Save yourself and your car insurance company a ton of money and aggravation and forget about it. Speaking of ideas whose time has come and gone, let's talk about unsanctioned drag racing. Hitting the interstate at 80 or 90 mph and trying to drive faster than the three other guys out there with you is the rough equivalent of waving a red flag in front of a bull. It's a bad idea, and sooner or later, somebody's going to get hurt. It might not have much to do with your car, but while you're talking about birthday celebrations you probably should cross cow tipping off the list while you're at it. They tend to get a little cranky, and it's not nearly as fun to run away from an upset bull as it is to laugh at the cows in the grass. Next-demolition derby. First and foremost, what do you think your car insurance company is going to say about a dozen cars or so ramming into each other with the intent of doing as much damage as possible? They're not going to be amused. And even if you manage to avoid the wrath of your insurer by using cars nobody really cares about, sooner or later someone's going to get hurt and you're going to be right back where you started. There are plenty of while and zany ways to celebrate your birthday, Christmas, New Year's or other miscellaneous holiday, but take your insurance agents advice and try not to do it behind the wheel of a car. You'll be a whole lot happier that way.

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